P.S. don't worry about the secret getting out...Mike doesn't read my blog (at least that I know of).
P.S.S. I finally called his work cell (despite him asking me not to because of the high costs to call overseas) because it had been 2.5 days since I heard from him. He's fine, but working LONG hours with his project launch, which doesn't bode well with the 9.5 hour time difference.
I really like the spelling out "DAD" idea...very cute and original.
I vote for the DAD idea, too. :)
Very cute. Another idea on spelling of DAD. Go to local craft store. Do they have Pat Catan's out your way? Get the letters D A D You could then have them hold on to the letters and do them up b & w. But whatever you decide I am sure he will LOVE it!
I'm TOTALLY stealing the awesome DAD idea!!!! I love it!
Totally cute - love it! A great idea for Father's Day for sure! Love the pictures of your family.
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